Terms of Use
Access to this website is subject to the following conditions. We reserve the right to discontinue or to make partial or complete modifications to this website or to the Terms of use, at our own discretion, without prior announcement. We must therefore ask you, next time you visit the website, to view the terms of use again and to note any changes or amendments that may have been made.
The website www.technidata-web.com is the property of TECHNIDATA. If you have noticed an error or would like to contact the webmaster, please contact:
By email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel. + 33 (0)4 76 04 13 00
Fax + 33 (0)4 76 04 13 13
Ou by mail:
387, avenue Jean Kuntzmann
38330 Montbonnot - France
Registered Trademarks
Livextens, TDNexlabs, TDNexlabs Microbiology, TDHistoCyto, TDGenet, TDBioBank, TDBloodBank, TDWorkstation Evolution, TDWeb, TDPatient, TDAnalytics, TDSupervision, TD-Synergy,TDHarmony, TDIDM, TDWAM, TDLPM, TDBactiLink are registered trademarks of the TECHNIDATA group. Any unauthorized use of these Trademarks is expressly prohibited and constitutes a violation of copyright, trademark law or other industrial property rights.
All other brands and names are property of their respective owners.
Linked sites
The linked sites are not under the control of TECHNIDATA and TECHNIDATA is not responsible for the content of any linked site or any link contained in a linked site, and provides the links solely for convenience of customers.
TECHNIDATA reserves the right to terminate any link or linking program at any time. TECHNIDATA does not endorse companies or products to which it links and reserves the right to note as such on its web pages.
If you decide to access any of the third party sites linked to this site, you do so entirely at your own risk.
Limited liability
TECHNIDATA has compiled the detailed information provided on this website from internal and external sources to best of its knowledge and belief, using professional diligence. The information on the website is purely for the purpose of presenting TECHNIDATA and its products and services. However, no representation is made or warranty given, either expressly or tacitly, regarding the completeness or correctness of the information on this website. In particular we must ask you to be aware that this information may no longer be up-to-date, and recommend that you check any information you obtain from this website prior to using it in whatever form. Advice given on this website does not exempt you from conducting your own checks on our latest advice and on our products, with a view to their suitability for the intended processes and purposes. Should you require any advice or instructions concerning our products or services, please contact us directly. Users of this website declare that they agree to access the website and its content at their own risk. Neither TECHNIDATA nor third parties involved in the writing, production or transmission of this website can be held liable for damage or injury resulting from access or the impossibility of access or from the use or impossibility of use this website or from the fact that you have relied on information given on this website. Disclaimer of warranty
The materials and services at this site are provided “As is” without warranties of any kind including warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non infringement of intellectual property.
Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable.
However TECHNIDATA assumes no responsibility neither for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights for third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of TECHNIDATA. Specifications mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice.
International users
This website is intended for international use. However Technidata gives no guarantee that the details presented on this website are correct worldwide, and in particular, that products and services will be available with the same appearance, in the same conditions throughout the world. Should you call up this website or download contents, please note that it is your own responsibility to ensure that you act in compliance with local legislation applicable.
Details provided by yourself
Users of this website are fully responsible for the content and correctness of details they send to TECHNIDATA as well as for the non-violation of any third party that may be involved in such details. TECHNIDATA does not want to receive confidential or proprietary information from you through this website. Any material, information or other communication you transmit or post to this website will be considered non-confidential and non-proprietary. TECHNIDATA and its designees will be free to copy, disclose, distribute, incorporate and use all data, images, sounds, text and other things embodied therein for any commercial or non-commercial purposes. As a user, you can give your consent to TECHNIDATA to store such details and to use the same for the purpose of statistical analysis or for any other specified business purpose, unless the information involves personal details. In particular TECHNIDATA is entitled to use the contents of such messages, including ideas, inventions, blueprint, techniques and expertise contained therein for any purpose, such as the development, production and/or marketing of products or services and to reproduce such information and make it available to third parties without any limitations.
You are prohibited from posting or transmitting to or from this website any unlawful, threatening, libellous, defamatory, obscene, pornographic or other material that would violate any law.
Applicable law
Any legal claims or lawsuits in conjunction with this website or its use are subject to the interpretation of the laws of France.
Privacy Policy
TECHNIDATA is aware that the security of your private information from the use of our websites is an important concern. We take the protection of your personal data very seriously.
Collection of information implicitly provided while accessing the www.technidata-web.com web site
By accessing our public web site, we will be able to collect the following information used for statistical and/or marketing purposes:
- Your IP address that is requesting a page
- Region of the world from which you are requesting the page
- Your Browser type - Your operating system
We may also use third-party service providers to monitor traffic patterns to show how and when visitors use our site. These monitoring technologies may use cookies where authorized by TECHNIDATA. This information is used to improve site design and enhance visitor experience. The information collected by these means is anonymous and does not personally identify the visitor. Note that browser Privacy Options may offer user control over the acceptance of both first and third party cookies.
Collection of information that you provide explicitly
When you accept to submit a registration form you are asked to provide at least your name and e-mail address. Sometimes we may ask you to specify your centers of interest and the market segment in which you are working. We may also ask for details of the project (application) for which you are submitting a request.
We also use cookies to collect and store your profile information. Cookies are used to provide you with an advanced browsing experience. As an example, we may use cookies to remember your preferences or to avoid the resubmission of a registration form that you have already fulfilled. Information that you provide explicitly may be used for the following purposes:
- Statistics - Promotion and Correspondence (if you accept to be contacted)
- Communication
- Purposes specifically related to your registration interest.
Information that you provide explicitly is not communicated outside TECHNIDATA, except when it is mandatory to provide the information to a third party to supply a service that you have explicitly requested.
From the TECHNIDATA web site you may be redirected to third parties' web sites.
TECHNIDATA does not control third parties' web sites; therefore we recommend that you read the privacy policy applicable to these web sites.
Right of access and correction
You have the right at any time to withdraw your consent to the use of your personal data in the future. Just send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.